Thursday, January 3, 2008

Fish Tales

I have decided to create a space for people I meet, friends and family where they can learn about, look at, and laugh at pictures and stories of my life as a commercial fishing girl. I have met so many people in my life and almost everyone I tell my fishing adventures to wants to know or see more. So here it is. I have created a blog of photos, stories, and links for you all to enjoy from my new friends to old, and to strangers I haven't met yet ..I hope you now have a better insight on the life of real Alaskan Fishing girl!

1 comment:

xaveriouspaek said...

Why casinos are so good at blackjack - Dr. MCD
The majority of online 경기도 출장안마 casino games 청주 출장안마 offer a decent They do 제주 출장마사지 not offer blackjack tables or 제주 출장마사지 a poker table which is considered 청주 출장마사지 a

What is Purse Seining??

Purse seiners catch salmon (primarily pink salmon) by encircling them with a long net and drawing (pursing) the bottom closed to capture the fish.

The net is first stacked on the stern of the boat and then payed into the water while the boat travels in a large circle around the fish.

The far end of the net is attached to a “power skiff,” which helps the operation by holding the net while the seiner completes the circle. The top of the net stays on the surface of the water because of its “float line” that runs through thousands of colorful floats, and the bottom of the net falls vertically because of its weighted “lead line.”

As a result, the net hangs like a curtain around the school of fish. The vessel crew then purses its bottom with a “purse line.” The lines, and thus the net, are retrieved through a hydraulic power block (winch). Once most of the net has been retrieved, with the remainder of it lying in a “bag” alongside the vessel, the fish are dipped from the bag and into the vessel’s hold.
